Recently Albert Mohler wrote a great
blog post on postmodernism (pun not intended). The subject has been on my mind over the past few weeks because of the upcoming
Reality conference at our church. In this article Mohler reviews John R. Franke's new book
Manifold Witness: The Plurality of Truth. Here is an excerpt of the article.
The problem is this – Franke’s argument that truth is plural means that the church should both embrace and celebrate different and even contradictory understandings of these doctrinal statements and core truths. While Franke is undoubtedly correct in warning that no theological system is free of cultural limitations, his proposal amounts to a total and unconditional surrender of doctrinal accountability. While he insists that not all doctrinal assertions are allowable, he undercuts the authority of Scripture to serve as the norm for establishing truth from error. (emphasis added)
Where did this idea come from, certainly Franke did not study scripture and derive this idea. As soon as one stops seeing scripture as the only, inherent, sufficient, and absolute definer of truth: they find themselves on a slope that will eventually lead to sin and heresy. We must diligently study the scriptures to
find the truth contained in it. Sadly more and more people are reading their ideas in to scripture and therefore missing what God really says.
For, “All flesh is like grass, And all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, And the flower falls off, But the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word which was preached to you.
-1 Peter 1:24-25
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